See below for venus flytrap cultivars (if you have your own photos/comments of cultivars you would like to be published, please use: co*****@th*************************.com)


All Green Form

A vigorous Dionaea Muscipula completely green even if grown in full sun light.

A perfect Venus Flytrap to add contrast to your collection especially with the red VF. 

VF Alternance (L.Blacher)


ICPS says “The trap has two rows of teeth alternating one to the left and one to the right, hence its name of Dionaea ‘Alternance’. The entire plant has a rather yellow background. The inner color of the trap is rose red. In full sun, the plant becomes greener and the trap becomes redder”

VF Bec de Lievre

Bec de Lièvre

The words “Bec de Lièvre” are French for “Cleft Palate”. 

ICPS says “Petioles are regular, green and carry deformed traps of about 2.5 cm. The frequency of these deformations is random, but occurs more frequently in summer and autumn. The traps are tinged with a red color of variable intensity. The plant is vigorous and quickly produces a dense bunch of leaves and traps.”

VF Bohemian Garnet

Bohemian Garnet

ICPS says “Registered in 2000, cross between an all red clone Dionaea ‘Royal Red’ and  Dionaea ‘Sawtooth’. All-red coloration of plants, similar to Dionaea ‘Akai Ryu’. Marginal trichomes are reduced and divided to numerous toothlets similar to Dionaea ‘Sawtooth’. Note that the trichomes on Dionaea ‘Red Piranha’ are dentate, but not sawtooth. Adult plants are about 4-6 cm in diameter, only about half the size of most Dionaea (including Dionaea ‘Sawtooth’). Enormous proliferation. One individual is able to produce 10-30 or more offshoots during a single growth season.

The name ‘Bohemian Garnet’,reflects the all-red color of plants, their small jewel-like size, and fact that they are usually seen in large number — such as several garnets are often used in a single piece of jewelry. Finally, the name also honors the Czech Republic (Bohemia), the country of origin for this cultivar.”


ICPS says “The marginal teeth are fused in a few groupings, and some of them can be crossed. The first traps of the growing season may have 3 trigger hairs per lobe, but eventually producing 4-5 functional trigger hairs per lobe; a total of 8-10 for each trap.”



Fuzzy traps appear each spring as the plant emerges from dormancy and new offshoots develop. These fuzzy traps do not grow into normal traps, but eventually die, while, as the season progresses, additional newly emerging traps grow into normal traps.

Venus Flytrap Fused Tooth​

Fused Tooth

This Dionaea cultivar has been described by Peter D’Amato (1990). The Dionaea ‘Fused Tooth’ may change greatly in appearance—during the winter it looks much like a normal Dionaea, but during summer growth its strange fused-tooth nature becomes apparent.

Venus Flytrap Red Piranha

Red Piranha

Crossing between “dentate” and “all red” by Edward Read and Ivan Snyder n 1995.

The red-tinged dentate traps are found at the end of long, narrow leaves. The Dionaea muscipula ‘Red piranha’ is an easy-to-care-for but slow growing. One of the nicest Shark tooth style VF.

VF Royal Red

Royal Red

Cultivar from Australia. This VF is vigorous and the whole plant get a purplish red color if grown under full sun. 

Venus Flytrap Sawtooth


ICPS says “Dionaea ‘Sawtooth’ is a remarkable plant in the Dionaea Dentate Traps Group. Its marginal trap spines are reduced to small triangular teeth, as in Dionaea ‘Dentate Traps’. Unlike that latter cultivar, however, the teeth of Dionaea ‘Sawtooth’ are frequently minutely divided into two or more tiny teethlets, so the trap has an almost fringed appearance. Late in the season, the interior of the traps may be deeply red, although this is not visible in young traps. The cultivar name refers to the form of the marginal spines on the traps; I both nominated and submitted this name for registration on 20 October 1999. The preferred method of propagating this plant is by vegetative means, so the character of the teeth is best maintained.”